Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Memphis Bar Association (MBA) Veterans’ Committee, in conjunction with Memphis Area Legal Services (MALS), is starting a monthly legal clinic on the last Tuesday of each month in order to assist veterans with their civil legal needs, including child support/visitation, landlord/tenant, employment, and debtor/creditor issues. No special expertise with VA benefits is needed.

The first clinic will be held on Tues., March 26 from noon until 2 p.m. at 1407 Union Ave., Suite 815, which is the building next to the Krystal’s on Union. Parking is available in the building’s garage and will be validated. The Veterans' Committee anticipates holding a training session prior to or shortly after the March 26th clinic. Please watch the Memphis Bar Bulletin or for more information.
If you are interested in volunteering at this clinic, please contact Anne Fritz at (901)527-3575 or at Attorneys must complete a simple registration process in order to participate and be covered by MALS' legal malpractice insurance. Thank you in advance for helping the veterans who have served so that we can enjoy our freedom and the legal system we have today!

Monday, March 4, 2013

AWA in the News Roundup

The Association for Women Attorneys has been in the news several times in the past few weeks.   Links to articles about AWA or our members are listed below.  Please email (using this link) if you have suggestions of articles that we should include.

AWA Members:
- The Commercial Appeal,  People in Business: February 17, 2013 (mentions both Fran Riley and Judge Paulette Delk)
- The Memphis Daily News, Robilio Celebrates 30 Years on the Bench

2013 Annual Banquet: